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You are here: Conceptgrid

Concept Grid Template Web

06 Nov 2008 - 13:40 | Version 12 |

Overview of the Concept Grid

tagging social tagging controlled vocabulary -
folksonomy taxonomy ontology -
classification categorization catalog -
- - - -

tagging social tagging controlled vocabulary -
folksonomy taxonomy ontology -
classification categorization catalog -
- - - -



Note to teacher:  
Delete the unnecessary groups by editing this page. (Suppposed you want groups of 4 students, dividing the number of students by four gives you the number of groups necessary).
Delete this note before starting with students.


Instructions for the teacher

Note to teacher,_
you are looking at an empty wiki web prepared to serve as a template for a concept grid. Below you find the steps necessary to adapt this empty wiki to your specific needs. On several pages you will find yellow highlighed text. Yellow highlighed text are instructions for you as a teacher and should be deleted before giving the students access to this wiki web.

To do's for the teacher
  1. Read about the Concept grid concept PDF-Dokument
  2. Define the number of students per group on this page
  3. Fill in the 16 concepts on this page
  4. Tell the students to inscribe themselves into the groups defined here.

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Seite genereriert um 14 Mar 2025 - 06:27
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